
Learn page update

Hey everyone!

I'm excited to share that the Learn page has been updated to include:
C# in Godot.
This new sub-page is filled with straightforward code examples, designed specifically for beginners who need that extra help to memorize syntax or review logic concepts.

It's important to note that this page is a Work-in-Progress. It doesn't replace the comprehensive Godot or C# Documentation, and it might seem quite sparse for now.
However, I promise to add new content there every week, focusing on making the script syntax and integration in Godot as simple and understandable as possible.

I can't wait for you to visit and see what's new! Your thoughts and feedback are incredibly important, so please take a look, dive into the content, and let me know what you think!

13-JAN-2024 is live!

Hey everyone!
Super excited to announce something I've been working on for a while now – the official website for Home Game Coder is live!
Who am I, you ask? Just a solo developer with a passion for creating quirky, small video games and sharing the how-tos with anyone interested in game development, especially using the Godot engine.

No big fanfares or fireworks for this launch. It’s a big milestone for me, and I’m stoked to have you be a part of it so we can grow together.
Feel free to wander around, check out the what's available here, play some games, and maybe even pick up a new trick or two in game development. And if you’ve got something to say or just want to say hi, I’m here for it!

Don't forget to subscribe my newsletter in the About page and my Youtube channel to keep up to date on what I am doing.

Can’t wait to see you there and hear what you think!